Yellow, Rose and Green Gold Wedding RingsThe Golden Garden! |
The Victorian jewelers were masters of creating beautiful jewels
featuring several colors of gold. During the gold rush in the Black
Hills of South Dakota, these multi-colored jewels became known as
"Black Hills gold jewelry". Our client was inspired by these jewels
from the past and wanted to create a custom engagement ring and wedding
band that blossomed with the rich tones of yellow, rose and green gold.
The body of the engagement ring is crafted in 14kt yellow gold. Across
the top of the ring we carved a deep channel and set two hearty rose
buds hand-crafted, of course, in rose gold. A sparkling diamond sits
in the the center of each rose like a glistening dew drop. Next to the
rose buds our goldsmith set delicate leaves sculpted in green gold.
And, at the center of this miniature garden an oval diamond is cradled
within six white gold prongs.
Most gold jewelry is made from a mixture of rich 24kt gold and various alloys that increase the hardness and durability of the precious metal. These alloys - usually copper, silver, nickel, etc... - also alter the color of the gold! Through this modern day alchemy, rose gold is created by adding an extra dash of copper, while an extra portion of silver is added to create green gold. White gold, invented around 1915, is created by adding nickel or the platinum group metal, palladium. |
No fine jewel is complete without the hallmark of the maker and the purity of the precious metal. Above you can see the Bijoux Extraordinaire hallmark ("BEL") and "14kt" indicating the purity of the gold. |